The Perfect Wave Previous Next Sea Paintings "The Sea. The curl of the wave, ebb and flow, hypnotic sound, colour, light, and sparkle. Time shifting around you. This is where I find my peace". Original paintings by Mary Waterfall Bamburgh Sunset Number 3 £ 85.00 This is Where I Heal my Hurt £ 85.00 Sparkling Sea £ 150.00 Hazy Lazy Days £ 60.00 Flow £ 150.00 Reflections on the Blue 1 £ 85.00 Halo £ 85.00 Sands End Under a Solstice Moon £ 150.00 Moody Sunrise £ 60.00 The Perfect Wave £ 60.00 Into the Blue at Newton Steads £ 60.00 Lost in the Sunrise £ 225.00